Our Courses


Italian for Foreign Residents

We offer lessons to learn the Italian language as well as something about the culture, which we believe is essential to understand the language, but also because you actually live in the country! The lessons tend to be once a week and some homework is assigned to practice during the week. The teacher is Italian and American, bilingual and knows the languages and cultures equally in that she has lived in both countries for several years. This will allow for a better understanding of the language as well as the differences in the two cultures. There will also be the possibility of taking exams to receive an internationally-recognized certificate for the level that you choose.

We are also starting to organize Italian lessons for children 3 and up. This is a perfect idea for mothers who want to take Italian lessons, but need to look for a babysitter. Why not come with your children so that they can learn Italian at the same time as well?


Italian and Culture for Tourists

Take advantage of one of our 2 package deals to explore Catania while learning about the language and culture. Our smaller package includes 2 meetings with our teacher who will take you around the center of Catania and teach you common expressions and words while you shop, maybe take a coffee or admire our local treasures. Each meeting will last 2 hours. Total hours: 4.

Our second package is for 10 hours where other than the 4 hours of the first package, you have 3 more meetings where you can concentrate on the language and conversation. Each meeting will last 2 hours. Total hours: 10. 



Italian for Driving Exams

Lezioni in presenza od online per un totale di 10 ore di lezione per coprire il lessico e la sintassi che serve per superare l'esame scritto per la patente in Italia.
Purtroppo non si può fare l'esame in lingua inglese e quindi abbiamo pensato di venire incontro ai tanti stranieri che hanno bisogno di assistenza nell'interpretazione del linguaggio usato nell'esame.
Il corso è un pacchetto e non singole lezioni, a meno che non si voglia fare lezioni private. 
Unfortunately, the exam cannot be taken in English. This course is once or twice a week, in person at our school in the center of Catania or online. There will be a total of 10 one-hour lessons to help those who want to get the Italian driving license but are intimidated by the language used in the written exam. The price is for the whole 10-hour package, unless you prefer to do one-to-one lessons. The groups will be small, no more than 6 people. The Italian starting level should be intermediate.

If you have any questions, please feel free to send us an email.